Androrat (RAT For Android)
Androrat is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server.The name Androrat
is a mix of Android and RAT (Remote Access Tool).The goal of the
application is to give the control of the android system remotely and
retrieve informations from it.
Features- Get contacts (and all theirs informations)
- Get call logs
- Get all messages
- Location by GPS/Network
- Monitoring received messages in live
- Monitoring phone state in live (call received, call sent, call missed..)
- Take a picture from the camera
- Stream sound from microphone (or other sources..)
- Streaming video (for activity based client only)
- Do a toast
- Send a text message
- Give call
- Open an URL in the default browser
- Do vibrate the phone
- You have to make a id on Here and create a host.
- You need to open port you want to use. To do that Open Control panel > Network & Internet > Network & Sharing centre Then click on see full map option Right-Click on the Gateway or router>Properties In general tab, Go to settings , Click on add In Description of service , Write Androrat Now you have to check your ip, To Do this , open command prompt, type ipconfig, Scroll To ethernet Adapter local area connection,and note down the ipv4 address Now come back to Add window , in the name or ip address type the ipv4 address you have noted Now in the external & internal port number , type 81 , tcp should be selected, click ok Now click on Add button again…Now in Description , write androrat 1 In the name or ip address, type the ipv4 address you have noted Now in the external & internal port number , type 81 , udp should be selected, click ok.
- Now extract the file , Open AndroRat Binder.exe.
- Go to No-ip tab and fill your information & click on update.
- Go to Build Tab.
- In IP section, type the hostname you have created by no-ip.
- In port section , type 81.
- In apk title ,Type any title you want.
- Check the hidden box to hide the apk from mobile’s app drawer.
- Click on Go.
- Now you will see the apk with the title you have given in the extracted folder.
- Now install that apk to any android mobile phone.
- You will find a folder named Androrat in the extracted files.
- Open Androrat>Androrat.jar (you should have java installed in your pc to open it).
- Now click on server> Select port and enter 81, click ok & restart it.
- Now , as soon as the android client is online , you will find it on the jar file ……select any server online.
- Enjoy