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Selasa, 18 September 2012

Xiaopan OS 0.4.3

Download : Xiaopan OS 0.4.3

password : pastebin

Crack WPA/WPA2 Wifi

Cracking WPS Wireless Networks with Reaver PRO 


 download : Reaver Pro


Isnin, 17 September 2012

Android tools DroidSheep v14

DroidSheep is a simple Android tool for web session hijacking (sidejacking). It listens for HTTP packets sent via a wireless (802.11) network connection and extracts the session id from these packets in order to reuse them..

DroidSheep can capture sessions using the libpcap library and supports: OPEN Networks WEP encrypted networks WPA and WPA2 encrypted networks (PSK only)

Andriod Tools WifiKill-v17


If you want to disable any ip address which use same router to connect internet. Now you can used your android application, WifiKill use as can disable internet connection for a device on the same network. This is alternate version of NETCUT for Android. Simply allows you to scan your wifi network for devices, see their vendor and cut network connection for specified devices. This way you can get rid of network hoggers. It gives option to redirect HTTP traffic to specific IP, this feature can be used even to do phishing smartly.

Rabu, 5 September 2012


Wireless security auditing application
Fern Wifi Cracker 1.5 is available, download fern 1.2 then update to 1.5 by using the update download button
This is a wireless security auditing application that is written in python and uses python-qt4. This application uses the aircrack-ng suite of tools.
It should work on any version of linux running the following: